
Zombie Nation: Teaching Preparedness through a Zombie Outbreak

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By Carol Okupniak, RN, MSN, BC, Drexel University College of Nursing & Health Professions CDC’s Zombie Preparedness Campaign was the catalyst that inspired Drexel University’s College of Nursing & Health Professions, Center for Interdisciplinary Clinical Simulation and Practice, to prepare medical professionals for ANY disaster by creating a Zombie Apocalypse in our own lab. Read More >

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Zombie Nation: Required Reading…“World War Z”

Yesterday we heard about a Michigan State Professor using zombies to make course work compelling. So who else is incorporating zombies into the curriculum? The University of Rhode Island has also realized students can learn a thing or two from the undead. Read More >

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Zombie Nation: A Degree in…Zombies?

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By Glenn R. Stutzky Glenn Stutzky is a clinical instructor of social work at Michigan State University. He recently made headlines for his unusual course syllabus, which, you guessed it, included Zombies! We asked Glenn to share his story and are looking forward to hearing his students feedback at the end of the semester.  Read More >

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Zombie Nation: Making Zombies a Halloween Tradition

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By Sandy Mackey, Zombie Expert, Delaware County EMA I have never in my life come face to face with a real live zombie, or would that be a real dead zombie? Either way, last Halloween I got my chance when the Delaware County, Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management hosted a “Zombie Exercise” to Read More >

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WARNING: zombies included!

This time last year we posted Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse. The blog post that took CDC from nerdy scientists to hip pop culture icons (at least that’s how we like to think of it). We’ve been amazed at all the zombie fans out there and thrilled with all the opportunities we’ve had this year to Read More >

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Money Well Spent: Public Health Dollars Save Lives

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  By Jean O’Connor, JD, DrPH, Deputy State Public Health Director, Oregon About a week and a half ago, the Oregon Public Health Division learned about a child with hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), this sounds complicated but it’s essentially kidney failure brought on by an infection of the digestive system. In an otherwise healthy child, E. Read More >

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