Category: pharmacogenomics

Is pharmacogenetic-guided treatment cost-effective? No one size fits all!

a pill filled with DNA and dollar signs around

A recently published article by M. Verbelen and colleagues in The Pharmacogenomics Journal is called, “Cost-effectiveness of pharmacogenetic-guided treatment: are we there yet?” As Betteridge’s law of headlines states, any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word No. Regrettably, although that article presents useful information, it ends up by Read More >

Posted on by Scott D. Grosse, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities and W. Dave Dotson, Office of Public Health Genomics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention2 CommentsTags

Evidence Matters in Genomic Medicine- Round 4: Where are we with Pharmacogenomic Tests?

open pill with a double helix inside

Previously, CDC’s Office of Public Health Genomics announced a list of health-related genomic tests and applications, stratified into three tiers according to the availability of scientific evidence and evidence-based recommendations and systematic reviews. The list is intended to promote information exchange and dialogue among researchers, providers, policy makers, and the public. Initially the table relied Read More >

Posted on by W. David Dotson, Michael P. Douglas and Katherine Kolor, Office of Public Health Genomics, Centers for Disease Control and PreventionTags , , ,

Medications for the Masses? Pharmacogenomics is an Important Public Health Issue

may pills with DNA

Adverse drug events are a serious public health problem. Consider the following facts: an estimated 82% of American adults take at least one medication and 29% take five or more; 700,000 emergency department visits and 120,000 hospitalizations are due to adverse drug events annually; $3.5 billion is spent on extra medical costs of adverse drug Read More >

Posted on by Muin J Khoury, Director, Office of Public Health Genomics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention3 CommentsTags , , ,