Category: implementation
Tracking the Contributions of Implementation Science to the Population Health Impact of Genomics and Precision Health: A New Knowledge Base

Successful implementation of evidence-based genomic and precision health interventions requires an understanding of what works and what doesn’t work within the context of various clinical and public health settings. Research and evaluation that incorporate implementation science tools and methods into the translation of these interventions facilitate this. Here we present a new CDC knowledge base, Read More >
Posted on by 1 CommentGenomics and Precision Medicine 2021: Progress in Implementation, A Focus on Health Equity, and a New Public Health Initiative

In this post, we reflect on another eventful year in genomics and precision medicine and review the emerging opportunities for the field to make an impact on population health. We use the annual review published by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) along with our own website updates, and blogs as a springboard for Read More >
Posted on byImplementation science and genomic medicine in action: A case study

There is an urgent need for researchers and implementers of genomic medicine to incorporate implementation science into their translational research efforts. Implementation science is the study of methods to promote the adoption and integration of evidence-based practices, interventions, and policies into routine healthcare and public health settings to improve our impact on population health. But Read More >
Posted on byCan Predictive Analytics Drive Implementation Research to Improve Population Health?

To date, research investments have yielded many highly effective health interventions for disease prevention and treatment. Examples include smoking cessation, lipid and blood pressure control as well as diet and physical activity interventions. Yet, many interventions are not being optimally delivered to have public health impact. Implementation research can provide a means to determine optimal Read More >
Posted on byIf You Build It Will They Come? The Urgent Need for Implementation Science in Genomic Medicine

As the evidence base for genomic medicine grows, evaluating and implementing genomics to improve health care and population health remains an ongoing challenge. There is no guarantee that “if we build it they will come,” paraphrasing the well-known expression from the movie, Field of Dreams. To improve adoption, uptake and sustainability of genomic medicine applications, Read More >
Posted on byImplementation Science in Genomic Medicine: Why we need it now!

With the launch of the precision medicine cohort initiative, All of UsSM Research Program, the importance of incorporating implementation science in genomic medicine is greater than ever to ensure population health benefits for all. Historically, the speed of genomic discovery has far exceeded the time required to put these potentially life-saving medical discoveries into practice. Read More >
Posted on byEngaging Implementation Scientists in Precision Medicine

From the State of the Union through a number of NIH-led workshops to a report from the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director [PDF 1.05 MB], and the recently launched NIH funding announcements, the Precision Medicine Initiative has the potential to reimagine how we can use information on our biology, our environment, our experiences, our Read More >
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