Integrate Materials into Newborn Baby Kits

Swaddled newborn

Example 1
Integrating materials, such as Milestone brochures and Milestone Moments booklets, into birthing hospitals’ newborn baby kits that are given to moms to take home from the hospital.

  • Delaware’s Part C/Birth to Three program printed Milestone Moments booklets to assemble in kits and distribute to all birthing hospitals in Delaware.

Project leads:
Karen Zalewski and Annalisa Ekbladh, University of Delaware, Center for Disabilities Studies

Example 2
Integrating materials, such as Milestone Moments booklets and Amazing Me! books, into baby supply kits distributed to underserved mothers by local faith-based organizations.

  • “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials were included in the baby supply kits distributed annually by the Nebraska Christ Child Layette program, part of the nationwide Christ Child Layette Society. The kits were given to low-income mothers and contained essential baby supplies such as diapers, bottles, and a handmade blanket. LTSAE materials included were the Milestone Moments booklets, “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” growth charts, and the Amazing Me book, along with information about how to use the materials and other educational resources.

Project Lead:
Jennifer Burt, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Page last reviewed: February 22, 2018
Page last updated: February 22, 2018